The goal of NPSBCET’s technical chapters and clubs is to offer distinctive opportunities for networking, mentoring, and connecting over common interests.

These student organisations act as a springboard for symposiums, panel debates, and forums that improve a student’s professional development. Students can put their technical knowledge to the test by writing and presenting technical reports and publications, as well as working together on research projects, by joining these Technical Student Chapters and Clubs!

Students who are a part of Student Chapters, Professional Bodies and Student Associations in NPSBCET actively organize various technical workshops, invited talks, skill and knowledge enhancement programs and seminars. Managing Student Chapters imparts valuable lessons in teamwork, event management and organizing abilities. Various technical events, workshops and competitions at intra and inter-collegiate level are conducted by each Student Chapter at NPSBCET.



The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India’s leading recognised professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT founded in 1953. The IETE is the National Apex Professional body of Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Science and IT Professionals. It serves more than 1,25,000 members (including Corporate, Student and ISF members) through various 63 Centres, spread all over India and abroad.  The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy. Government of India has recognised IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified as an educational Institution of national eminence.

 The objectives of IETE focus on advancing electro-technology. The IETE conducts and sponsors technical meetings, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions all over India, publishes technical journals and provides continuing education as well as career advancement opportunities to its members.

Objectives of ISF :
1. Improving standard of Engineering Education
2. Counseling the students in the emerging new opportunities
3. Encouraging and motivating the outside Class room studies /Work shops/projects/Seminars
4. Increasing the student base and Corporate membership of IETE

Activities :


  1. To plan, organize Technical Programs, Special Lectures, Workshops, Seminars Symposia, exhibitions for the benefit of students.
    2. To provide common platform for students to exchange of ideas in technical topics of interest, e.g., curriculum, employment, higher educational opportunities, emerging trends, etc.
    3. To facilitate technical visits, project works, employment, contact with industries and academic institutions.
    4. Encourage team spirit and self-reliance among student members.
    5. ISFs should be a catalyst for the overall growth in technical and professional skills in young students.


Total Members: 35

Office Bearers:

Madhumitha T, III Year, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Vice Chairman
Karthik P, III Year, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Balaji A III Year, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Join Secretary

Arokiyanathan L III Year, Information Technology

Kartheeswari M, III Year, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Dharani M, II Year, Information Technology

Executive Members

Karthikeyan J,III Year, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Akash H ,II  Year, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Rajeshwari A, III Year, Computer Science Engineering
Adithya R, II Year, Computer Science Engineering

Madhankumar K II Year, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Srija S, II Year, Information Technology

Faculty Coordinator
Mrs.G.Vijayakumari M.E, Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering